As a reminder, the Association will be electing three (3) Directors for terms of two (2) years. Anyone wishing to run for election to the Board of Directors must file a Nomination Application signed by not less than ten (10) homeowners (one signature per address) in Ghent Square, tenants do not suffice. Anyone wishing to run for office should submit this form to the GSCA on-site office at 852 Mowbray Arch, Norfolk, VA 23507 and/or send to The form should be received no later than close of business on November 2, 2024.
You will be receiving notification of the Annual Meeting along with a Proxy/Ballot you can submit in the event you cannot attend the annual meeting on Monday, December 2 at 6 pm at The Williams School. If you later decide to attend the meeting, you can retrieve your Proxy and change your vote. The Annual Meeting notification will also be mailed by the Associa Community Group, Inc. prior to the meeting.
Any questions regarding the electoral process should be directed to Lori Rattan via e-mail or via phone at (757) 627-5757. More information can be found online at Annual Meeting 2024 – Ghent Square.