street light

Light up Ghent Square

If you see a streetlight that’s not working, please call Dominion Energy at (866) 366-4357. They’re responsible for repairing all streetlights and watch lights in the City of Norfolk. Streetlights are located on the verges in front of properties. If the streetlight is behind your house, it’s probably a “watch light.” Management is responsible for calling those repairs into Dominion energy. Contact management by sending an email to

When reporting streetlight to Dominion Energy or watch light outage to managment, please provide the full pole numbers (tags found on the pole, ex: N0### XX###). If there are no indicators or they are not legible, please provide the closest address/intersection.

You can also find your streetlight pole number on the map at the bottom of the Streetlights page. Feel free to contact if you have an outage update for the pole.

Residents are encouraged to report streetlight outages to Dominion Energy promptly and often. This has been an ongoing issue with management and many residents spending countless hours contacting Dominion Energy, to little avail. Hopefully, with community wide participation, we’ll convince Dominion Energy that we need our lights fixed as soon as possible so it’s safe to walk around our beautiful neighborhood in the evenings.

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