The City of Norfolk offers the Norfolk Cares Center and MyNorfolk services for residents to utilize for City-wide needs. Residents may request most City Services via MyNorfolk, or they may call Norfolk Cares directly at (757) 664-6510.
DOMINION ENERGY (Streetlights)
COX COMMUNICATIONS (TV, Phone, & Internet)
VERIZON (TV, Phone, & Internet – Fios unavailable)
METRONET (TV, Phone, & Fiber Optic Internet – coming soon)
Trash and Recycling
Ghent Square’s trash is collected weekly on Tuesday mornings. Recycling is collected every other Tuesday.
Bulk waste must be called in by 3 PM Monday to the Norfolk Care Center at (757) 664-6510 or submitted online via MyNorfolk.
City of Norfolk regulations state that trash and recycle containers and green waste should be placed outside no earlier than 5 p.m. the day before the scheduled pickup day and should be removed from the curb by 11:30 pm the following day
Lawn waste must be properly bagged in clear bags and placed outside of containers for pick up. If yard waste is left outside of a container and not in a clear bag, Norfolk Waste Management will not collect it.
Street Sweeping
Public streets are cleaned the first Wednesday and/or Thursday of the month by the City of Norfolk. The sweeper usually operates from 6:00 AM to 11:00 AM.
All vehicles should be removed the evening before the scheduled cleaning to provide access to the area being swept.
If there are vehicles blocking the sweeper, the area cannot be swept. Please be considerate and move your vehicle(s).
The public streets are: Boissevain Avenue, Botetourt Gardens, Colonial Avenue, Debree Avenue, Llewellyn Avenue, Mowbray Arch, W Olney Road, W Princess Anne Road, Raleigh Avenue, Shirley Avenue, and Westover Avenue.